On φ-1-absorbing primary submodules
Ünsal Tekir, Eda Yıldız, Suat Koç & Ece Yetkin Çelikel
Pages: 232-242
Characterizing some commutative rings by divisibility conditions
Ayman Badawi
Pages: 243-248
On Two Classes of Modules Related to CS Trivial Extensions II
Farid Kourki and Rachid Tribak
Pages: 249-264
A treed domain need not be valtreed
David E. Dobbs
Pages: 265-278
Generalized S-prime ideals of commutative rings
Ahmed Hamed
Pages: 279-287
On graded-coherent like properties of commutative graded rings: a survey
Anass Assarrar and Najib Mahdou
Pages: 288-320
Associated ideals to totally noetherian module
Pascual Jara and Farah Omar
Pages: 321-337
Rings in which every nonzero S-weakly prime ideal is weakly prime
Chahrazade Bakkari and Hamza El-Mzaiti
Pages: 338-344
Orthogonality and linear mappings in Banach modules over a unital $C^*$-algebra
Hassan Azadi Kenary
Pages: 345-357
Arithmetic of some real triquadratic fields; Units and 2-class groups
Mohamed Mahmoud Chems-Eddin
Pages: 358-387
Some topological results on a globally hyperbolic spacetime with non-compact Cauchy surfaces
Masoud Bahrami Seif Abad and Mehdi Sharifzadeh
Pages: 388-394